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10 Kabul Bank Scandals to pay their loans: Supreme Court



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Acting Head of Afghanistan Supreme Court, Abdul Rasheed Rashid declared that freezing the properties of Kabul Bank scandals have resulted the perpetrators to pay their loans.

The Afghan Supreme Court emphasize that the verdict being issued is final and will not be reviewed again.

President Ghani issued a decree inquiring to open Kabul Bank crisis case on his initial working days and the appellate court freezed all properties of those who were involved in the crisis and obliged them to pay their loans.

According to the final decision being made about two months ago, Mahmoud Karzai, Hasseen Fahim, Abdul Ghafar Dawi, and several others are obliged to pay their loans and if delays they will be trialed in a court.

Kabul Bank went into crisis on 2010 and around $900 million was embezzled from the bank by the Ex-Chairman Shir Khan Farnood and Ex-CEO, Khalilullah Ferozi and several others.


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