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3 Schoolgirls poisoned in Herat



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

School girls at Fikri Saljoqi School were poisoned by gas in their class this afternoon head of the education department Abdul Razaq Ahmadi confirmed.

Head of education Abdul Razaq Ahmadi said,” schoolgirls were poisoned in their classes while they were studying only 3 of them were taken to Hospital for further medical treatments.”

Health officials at the regional hospital have confirmed the numbers of schoolgirls more than 40 whom were received by the health providers at the hospital since this morning.

Their poisoning comes after that 20 school girls of Abdul Ali ShahTokhi were poisoned this afternoon Regional Health Hospital officials said.

Health officials in regional hospital have confirmed that 20 school girls were taken to hospital after they were poisoned in their school in the main city of Herat.

They have added the main reason for being poisoned isn’t clear yet.

In the past 10 days dozens of school girls were poisoned in Herat Province where its factors have not been cleared yet.

This is the sixth schoolgirls who are poisoned and being shifted to the Hospitals since morning since this morning, but no significant measurements were adopted by the local Governmental officials or security departments yet.



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