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4th G7+ summit held in Kabul



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President Ashraf Ghani has officially opened the 4th g7+ ministerial conference in Kabul on Wednesday.

Nearly, 200 representatives of the 20 crisis countries attended the 4th g7+ meeting in capital; the 20 countries which accuse the world’s superpowers of Firebug in poor countries.

President Ghani at this conference said that still serious measures are not taken to eradicate corruption and the extend of this phenomenon would make all ministries to corruption machines.

Ghani believes that Afghanistan is in need of world’s assistance more than ever and emphasized on deep reforms in governmental institutions.

He also stressed on nabbing the top government officials who involve in corruption.

“Corruption still exists in government institutions. We have always condemned it but we did not fight  against it. Corruption causes the develop of the rule of law faces problems,” said President Ashraf Ghani.

Meanwhile, the representatives of 20 countries called on the continuation of the world’s long-term assistance.

“The international community should understand that we want peace not war. With peace, we can provide better lives for 1 billion and 500 million citizens. We are committed to reforms,” said minister plan of east Timor.

G7+ which bears the slogan of “Goodbye Conflict, Welcome Development” include Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, San Tome e Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, Togo and Yemen.


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