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ACBAR calls on foreign donors to honor their pledges



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Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR) has called on international donors to uphold their commitments to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan.

In a statement issued by the organizations, ACBAR said: “The 167 national and international NGO ACBAR members – employing 31,216 humanitarian staff and providing support to millions of people across different sectors and in all provinces of Afghanistan – call on the international donor community to honor its international commitments for the continued provision of principled humanitarian assistance to people in need across Afghanistan.”

ACBAR said this means independently assessing needs, and delivering assistance to those most at risk of food insecurity, malnutrition, poverty, illness, and in need of vital health, education, protection, shelter, food, and nutrition services.

The organization stated that freezing of assets in the Central Bank and a subsequent looming collapse of the banking system in Afghanistan has made it extremely difficult for NGOs to access funds and provide life-saving assistance to communities in need.

“Because of an extremely restrictive operational and funding environment in Afghanistan, we require additional support from the international donors and diplomatic community through increased long-term, flexible funding that is safeguarded from sanctions, counter-terrorism, and any other potentially restrictive measures that impede principled humanitarian action,” read their statement.

Currently, more than half the Afghan population is in need of humanitarian assistance and one-third is food insecure. These needs have been exacerbated because of drought and a 73 percent rise in internal displacement since June.


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