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Afghan women journalists face many restrictions: AWJS



(Last Updated On: November 27, 2023)

An Afghanistan Women’s Journalist Association (AWJA) survey found that female journalists in the country are facing a number of restrictions including a lack of access to information.

The AWJA found that female journalists face with lack of job security, a lack of financial resources and other restrictions.

“In terms of existing problems, 45% of the participants believe that unemployment and staying at home for women journalists is the biggest problem for women journalists,” said Mina Habib, head of AWJA.

“Five percent of the participants talk about poverty among female journalists. Ten percent of the participants consider the lack of access to information as a big problem for women journalists,” she said.

“Seven percent of female media workers have called lack of job and mental security in the media as the biggest problem of female journalists,” she added.

Meanwhile, a number of female journalists also complain about the lack of access to information and the lack of job security and have asked the government to remove the barriers to accessing information.

“Currently, one of the limitations we are facing is not giving information because when we prepare the reports, the information is not available to us as soon as possible. The next issue is not allowing female journalists to attend some press conferences,” said a female journalist.

However, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate Zabihullah Mujahid says they are committed to supporting women journalists and are trying to provide facilities for them.

“In this regard, we are making a final effort to create facilities, but our sisters who work in the media field, should consider the conditions of the society and the ruling system, and inshallah, we will try to increase their access to information,” said Mujahid.

“In general, female journalists work in various media and are active. We have to give time for the situation to return to normal,” he said.

This comes amid complaints by male journalists as well about the lack of access to information. They have called on the government to make information available to them as quickly as possible.


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