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Afghanistan, Kazakhstan Move Forward Enhancing Bilateral Trade



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

In a joint presser between Afghan and Kazakh chamber of commerce officials in Kabul, the officials pushing forward further develop the joint trade.

The officials of both countries, insists, the volume of business among the countries is increasing the both neighbors are eagerly willing to widen the relations.

“We are negotiating for investments, transit and bilateral business with Kazakhstan.” Khan Jan Alokozai, Afghan chamber of commerce and industry (ACCI) told in the presser.

“Kazakhstan is trying to assist Afghanistan with enhancing transit system. at the same time, regular flying between Afghanistan and Kazakhstan will take soon.” Ismaelov, a Kazakh diplomat said.

As of now, the amount of Afghan – Kazakh business volume exceeds $ 400 m with nearly 50 Kazakh enterprises invested in various sectors in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan mainly imports basic goods including wheat, flour, gasoline and oil. Kabul’s exports are carpets, stones and dry fruits to the country.

Reported by: Lyda Niazi


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