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Afghanistan Mines; An Opportunity for Unhealthy Competitions



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

Afghanistan mines have provided the opportunity for unhealthy competitions and the continuation of war among terrorist groups in the country, said the second Vice-President.

Afghanistan with a trillion-dollars asset, still considers as a poor country. The second Vice-President, Sarwar Damish expressed deep concern over the existence of poverty and terrorists, powerful access to the mines of the country.

“Mines have become one of the warfare and revenue sources for terrorist groups. Most of the powerful use the current situation and seek for extraction of them,” said Sarwar Danish.

In the meantime, the European Union also called the illegal extraction process of mines in Afghanistan “challenging”.

“The illegal extraction of mines is one of the dangerous phenomenon which cannot be considered without a challenge in political terms. Illegal extraction has serious consequences for Afghanistan, and it is a competitive bargaining process among terrorist groups.”

However, the acting minister of mines and petruleum also complaint over lack of government’s programs against the ministry.

“If all expectations are from the ministry of mines to prevent the illegal extraction, it cannot solve it by itself,” said Narges Nehan, acting minister of mines.

Previously, a number of the monitoring institutions on mines voiced concern over the illegal extraction of mines.


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