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Balkh police headquarters recruits 1,800 female officers



(Last Updated On: June 9, 2022)

Balkh Police Command on Thursday announced the establishment of a center for 1,800 female officers within the province’s police force.

Recruitment officials for the province’s Police Command said a large number of women are expected to join the police force this year and will be deployed to provide security. 

Mawlavi Baz Mohammad Hudhaifa, in charge of recruitment for the Balkh Police, said: “All of them [the women] have been assigned after the completion of the biometric and legal procedures, and their salaries have been transferred.”

Meanwhile, a number of police men and women who used to work in the previous regime have now returned to their duties.

“Today I came to the headquarters to be re-registered, I used to work in the police and women’s searching department in the police headquarters of Balkh province, and now I have returned to my job and I promise to do my job properly,” said Shakila, a policewoman at the Balkh police headquarters

Security officials in Balkh also say they plan to merge former security forces within the framework of security agencies.


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