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CEO assures speedy investigation on Dehmazang attack by fact-finding commission



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

Chief Executive Officer, (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah has assured that the recent deadliest attack in Dehmzang area of Kabul will be seriously investigated by the fact-finding commission.

Presidential Palace office has assigned a fact-finding commission for immediate investigation into the incident and present the findings to the presidential citadel.

CEO urges the Afghan people to give the government an opportunity with the given current situation to address their demands.

“I assure people that this commission will seriously investigate this case,” CEO Abdullah Abdullah said.

Abdullah Abdullah believes that the National Directorate of Security was aware of this incident earlier. He stressed that the practical work of transmitting electricity to Bamyan province has been started.

The delegation assigned by President Ghani is led by Attorney General, Muhammad Farid Hamidi and consists of senior presidential adviser Dr. Abas Basir, Nasrullah Stanikzai, MP Shah Gul Rezayee, Senior Deputy Interior Minister for Security, Gen. Abdul Rahman Rahman, Deputy defense minister for intelligence, Gen. Helaluddin Helal, deputy chief staff of Afghan army Gen. Murad Ali Murad.

Head of the Secretariat of Ministers Council, Nasrullah Arsalayi, Deputy provincial intelligence chief, Abdul Matin Baig, Representative of Chief Executive, Mohammad Nateqi, Head of the Defense and Security of the Office of the Administrative Afffairs, Gen. Janan Barekzai, Representative of the Independent Human Rights Commission, Mohammad Moosa and former MP Abas Nooyan.

In the meantime, the attorney general, Muhammad Farid Hamidi has declared that the bloody incident of Dehmazang will be tracked firmly, fairly and full of transparency.

“This delegation will assure an overall investigation into the incident and promises to inform all of its details to Afghan people,” said Muhammad Farid Hamidi, attorney general.

Hamidi stressed that supporting the rights and freedoms of Afghan citizens is the responsibility of the government and it should take place in the law framework.

More than 80 people have been killed and hundreds injured after two suicide bombers struck a peaceful protest in Dehmazang area of the capital, Kabul.

Responsibility for the attack, which appears to have targeted a demonstration by the majority of Hazara minority, was claimed by Islamic State via the group’s news agency, Amaq.

Two suicide bombers had attempted to target the demonstrators, who were gathering in Demazang Square as their four-hour protest march wound down.

If true, it would mark the first attack by Isis in Kabul, and its largest ever in Afghanistan.


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