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Countries Launch Programs to Pursue Private Goals in Afghanistan: Ikhpulwalk



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

The Senior President advisor Mohammad Akram Ikhpulwalk during a special interview has told to Ariana News that if any countries are willing to fight terrorism should contact the Government through diplomatic channels to meet goals, saying countries launch programs to pursue their own goals in Afghanistan.

He said, “The ties between the countries mean that they don’t have solid intention to fight terrorism, they are willing to launch programs to pursue their own private goals, which will never succeed.”

Further he has talked about the Election process saying that no interfering carried out in selective committee member’s activity affairs, according to him, sharing transparent information is one of the aliments.

“The process was explained to civil society activists, political elders, Jihadi leaders, and how the process was made and and how the process progressed?” senior President Advisor Ikram Ikhpulwalk said.

He went on and added that delays made by the selective committee members on selecting the members of the Election commissions were for further transparency.


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