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Delays in Cabinet caused increment in terrorist activities: Mohaqqeq



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Mohammad Mohaqeq, the 2nd Deputy of Afghanistan Chief Executive Officer said that delays in the new cabinet formation is one of the reasons behind the recent insecurity in the country.

At least 10 terrorist attacks were occurred during the past one week in Kabul resulted to kill a number of Afghan security members and civilians.

“I hope after the new cabinet being formed and the ministries operationalised we witness a decrease in insurgency activities, and this is a fact that cabinet postponement has caused this uncertainty, and there will be defaults in acting ministers operations,” Mohaqqeq said.

The National Unity Leaders promised to introduce the new cabinet to Wolesi Jirga to receive their vote of confidence in a period of two to four weeks after they return from London Summit; two weeks has been passed, but yet the new cabinet to be introduced.


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