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Delays in National Electronic ID Card distribution violates Afghan laws: ALA



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

Lawyers Union of Afghanistan stated that Ministry of Interior Affairs has violated the law by procrastinating in electronic national ID cards distribution and the President has also failed to observe the constitution implementation in this regard.

Abdul Ghafoor Ghayoor, Head of Afghanistan Lawyers Association said,” Anyone who violates the law has committed a national treason, because it faces Afghanistan to new challenges, Afghan constitution has obliged the President to supervise implementation of the constitution; therefore, the President has failed to act accordingly and he is supposed to issue a decree inquiring implementation of the law”.

In addition a number of parliament members emphasize that the government is compromising for the goodness of some people by procrastinations.

Saleh Mohammad Saleh, a member of internal security commission of the lower house said,” Unfortunately, President Ghani is compromising same us his predecessor, he does not want to enforce the law, there are a lot of jobs being delayed because of this law enforcement, this is a national process and we are asking the president to issue a decree to start issuing the National Electronic ID Cards”.

On the other hand Sediq Sediqy, MoI Spokesman vows to inaugurate issuing new ID cards soon.

Distribution of ID Cards delayed after ethnicity tensions raised between Afghans under the word “Afghan” to be used as nationality of all ethnic tribal’s living in Afghanistan while a number of others believes that beside the nationality the ID Card must mention either a citizen is basically a Tajik, Pashtun, Hazara or other ethnic groups which resulted to delay this process for a long time.


Reported By: Hameed Sediqy


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