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Foreign Troops Level Depends on Security Situation in Afghanistan: Afghan Minister



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U.S. and allies pledged to send more troops to support Afghanistan’s hard-pressed military  on Thursday but left no details about its numbers, Afghan Acting Defense Minister stressed foreign troops level depends on security threats in the country.

Tariq Shah Bahrami said on Friday that the number of additional foreign troops to Afghanistan would be clarified in coming weeks. 

“Some countries confirmed to send additional military advisers and soldiers to  Afghanistan. In coming weeks the numbers would be clarified and it would depend  on the level of security threats that the government of Afghanistan and the U.S. have measured,”  Bahrami said.

On Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO and its allies have reconfirmed their commitment to Afghanistan and that they will sustain Resolute Support Mission beyond 2017.

 Acting Defense Minister believes the government would be able to combat and defeat the insurgents with the support of NATO.

“NATO member states committed of continuing financial support  and confirmed their cooperation with four-year security plan of Afghanistan,” Bahrami said.

The Afghan Interior Ministry, however, stressed on the advising and training  role of the U.S. and NATO military.

“These soldiers [New expected foreign troops] will be responsible of training and advising the Afghan security forces and will not participate in combat missions,” said Acting Spokesman of the Interior Ministry.

Following the NATO defense ministers meeting on Thursday in Brussels, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah has welcomed the NATO’s decision of continuing support to Afghan government and in fight against terrorism.

It comes as the NATO chief has said that their support with Afghanistan, depending on Afghan government’s fight against corruption and bringing reforms into  state institutions, particularly in security sectors.


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