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Four Nations Invite Taliban to rejoin Peace process



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The participants of the quadrilateral meeting in Kabul called on Taliban group to resume peace negotiations with the Afghan government and solve their differences through political ways.

Afghanistan, Pakistan, US and China are said to consider the terrorist groups a serious threat for the region and agreed to target them without considering their territories, citizenships and activities.

A week after the first round of talks in capital of Pakistan, Islamabad the representatives of the four nations said progress had been made on initiating peace talks with Taliban group.

The third round of talks is expected to be held in Islamabad which is drawing up a road map for further peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban.

Sources told to Ariananews that the United States defend from Afghanistan position and China defended Pakistan’s positions in the second round of talks and the Afghan foreign minister is expected to visit Beijing for announcing Afghanistan’s clear message to China next week.

The second round of talks between the four nations comes as Afghanistan’s battlefield losses are mounting and some parts of the country are under constant threat from Taliban gunmen.

The Taliban are expected to keep up the fight even if peace talks get off the ground in order to secure territory and leverage in the negotiations.

Afghanistan is seeking unprecedented cooperation from Pakistan’s military to jump-start peace talks with the Taliban, but officials cautioned Monday that face-to-face discussions between the warring parties may still be months away.

President Ashraf Ghani remains optimistic that this round of multilateral talks will be successful and that peace talks, if resumed, can be promising.



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