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Ghani Asks Pakistani Official to Share Kabul’s Concerns with New Leadership



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Afghan President Ashraf Ghani meets Pakistan’s Deputy Foreign Minister in Kabul on Tuesday, asks the official to share Kabul’s security concerns with the country’s new leadership.

In the meeting with Tehmina Janjua, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Ghani also raised the issue of cross-border shelling, according to a statement from the Presidential Palace (ARG).

The Afghan President further stated that Pakistan should take “fundamental and practical” actions based on agreement made at trilateral meeting in London, which took place in March amid border tensions.

Describing terrorism in the region as a shared threat to both neighboring countries, Ghani said that terrorists should not be differentiated as good and bad.

On her part, Janjua said Pakistan is also concerned about the security situation in the region, adding that she is going to share Kabul’s security concerns to her country’s new leadership.


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