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Ghani, Dostum End Disputes, Claims Presidential Palace



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The differences between President Ghani and his first vice-president, Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum have been solved and they end their disputes, claimed Presidential Palace.

The Presidential Palace considers the tension arose between the two leaders is a misunderstanding; citing all suggestions and demands of government leaders are acceptable.

“The problem between president Ghani and Gen. Dostum was a misunderstanding and it has been solved,” said Muhammad Haroon Chakhansoori, President’s spokesman.

However, spokesman of Gen. Dostum says both leaders had a telephone contact so far and the differences remain in place.

“There was just an exchange of telephone contact between the two leaders and problems have not been solved yet,” said Bashir Ahmad Tayenj, spokesman of Afghanistan Junbish-e Mili.

Holding Loya Jirga for amendment of the constitution and the current political system are the main demands of the Executive Officer and Gen. Dostum that the power should be divided equally.

“Holding Loya Jirga depends on holding the election, then we can go for holding a Loya Jirga,” Chakhansoori added.

ARG ‘Presidential Palace’ called the suggestions of government leaders acceptable and recommends that any opposing views with the president should be solved in negotiations.

Previously, the Chief Executive Officer, Abdullah Abdullah considered the end of internal tensions links to the complete implementation of the National Unity Government political agreement.


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