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‘Ghost ALP’ Main Reason of Checkpoints Collapse in Maidan Wardak: Official



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

Police Chief of central Maidan Wardak province says the existence of “ghost Afghan local police (ALP)” is the main reason of checkpoints’ collapse in the province.

Last year, as many as 11 checkpoints of Afghan security forces were fall to the Taliban insurgents in Jalrez district of the province; the provincial Police chief said the non-existence “ghost ALP” is the main reason for the collapse.

“Ghost ALP is the main reason for the fall of checkpoints. The assessments from Jalriz indicate that there had been about 150 ghost local police,” said the Police Chief of Maidan Wardak province, Fahim Qayem.

Since 2002, billions of U.S. tax dollars have been spent rebuilding Afghanistan after decades of war. A big sum of that money pays Afghan soldiers and police. But it turns out some of those troops may not, in fact, exist, according to U.S. watchdog. 


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