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Gov’t May Collapse With Due ‘Historical’ Protest: Noor Warns



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The ousted Balkh governor, Atta Muhammad Noor has warned the government may fall apart with expected massive protest of his supporters.

Noor stressed that unless the government took urgent action, the country would be lost.

“Managing this massive movement from Balkh is very hard and dangerous. It has the risk of crisis and collapse,” Noor said.

The former governor of Balkh accused President Ashraf Ghani of creating crisis in the country and noted that the people will get him out of the Presidential Palace if they have no choice.

“You President and your corrupted team! Do not create further crisis. The country is on the brink of collapse with your obstinacy,” He said.

Noor considered the distribution process of electronic card in the current situation a ridicule to some tribes of the country.

“We are feeling the smell of divisions, bloody and dangerous wars. They are attempting to promote divisions,” he added.

The chief executive of Jamiat-e Islami party also warned to not allow the National Security Council to replace suicide attackers among the massive protest of Balkh.

However, the government has not commented regarding the statements of Noor so far.


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