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Gulbuddin wants to join Afghanistan’s political process



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In a surprise move, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a brutal, capricious, and violently anti-American warlord and the leader of Hizb-e-Islami party demands to join the political process of Afghanistan.

In his most recently statements, Hekmatyar says that he is eager to a real peace, conditional on the acceptance of his conditions by Afghan officials.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar noted that the complete withdrawal of foreign forces and holding election in 2016 are his main conditions.

Hekmatyar’s consistent position has been that he wants foreign military forces to exit Afghanistan, and he will then mix it up with his chosen enemies.

The Hizb chief reportedly changed his mind over the issue after party leaders and supporters asked him to do so as they did not want the political space to be filled by others.

He stressed that with his joining in the political process of Afghanistan, the war would end and Afghans can shape their destiny independently on their own.

The leader of Hizb-e-Islami party is said to consider Afghanistan Ministry of National defense as the small Pentagon and Presidential Palace as the small White House.

As the Taliban grows in strength, Hekmatyar fades, and now the hopes for a native Afghan government able to dictate terms to him.





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