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Hundreds of artifacts stopped from being smuggled out of Afghanistan in past year



(Last Updated On: May 22, 2023)

National Museum of Afghanistan officials said on Sunday that in the past year, with the help of the security forces, they have seized about 500 ancient artifacts from smugglers across the country and transferred them to the National Museum.

The National Museum of Afghanistan holds important historical and cultural works from different periods.

Museum officials said that in the last six months, more than 400 other artifacts, obtained through excavations, are now being exhibited at the museum.

“In six months of this year, with the help of the security forces, 400 to 500 artifacts have been handed over to the National Museum in order to prevent the smuggling of artifacts, and another 400 artifacts have been officially handed over to us through the excavations of the Department of Archaeology. We displayed some of them in the cultural heritage celebration program,” said Zubair Abadi, the head of the National Museum of Afghanistan.

Officials said there are many artifacts in the museum, and dozens of visitors, including students, visit the facility daily.

“Compared to the past, many works have been brought to the museum in the past year and a half, and there are more relics in the National Museum, and we will protect these works with responsibility and faith,” said Safiullah, a museum employee.

On the other hand, some visitors have complained about the lack of facilities and the lack of research on historical artifacts at the museum and have called on the IEA to establish a research facility.

One visitor said his children had asked to visit the museum. He said the guide should be able to provide “information about the works and art to the visitors.”

Last week, on the occasion of World Museum Day, more than 100 ancient artifacts obtained from the Aynak copper mine went on display.


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