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IEA lays down new rules for TV broadcasting companies



(Last Updated On: November 22, 2021)

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) announce Monday it has set out a new “religious guideline” for TV channels to follow.

The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice said in an eight-article statement that media outlets need to adhere to Islamic regulations and values during broadcasting programs.

According to the statement, women are banned from appearing in TV dramas and female journalists and presenters must always wear an “Islamic Hijab.”

The articles of the statement are as follows:

1- The media may not broadcast TV series where women play a role.
2- Broadcasting of comedies that humiliate people are forbidden.
3- Broadcasting of movies and videos that show men’s body parts are forbidden.
4- Domestic and foreign films that are contrary to Sharia law and principles are prohibited.
5- Female journalists must observe the Islamic hijab.
6- Broadcasting serials and programs which portray the prophets are forbidden.
7- TV channels must not broadcast anti-Sharia films.
8- The media must refrain from broadcasting programs and serials in which the religion and dignity of mankind is disrespected.

Akif Muhajir, a spokesman for the Ministry, stated: “They (media) have to obey, otherwise we will see in future how to treat with them.”

Zabihullah Mujahid, Deputy Minister of Information and Culture, said the IEA will not accept other views being forced on them and if the “media want to operate, it is welcome but within the framework of Sharia.”


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