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Jamiat-e Islami Leaders Stress on Holding Constitutional Loya Jirga



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Afghanistan (Jamiat-e Islami) leaders are stressing on holding a constitutional Loya Jirga and Parliamentary system for fair division of power.

The acting foreign minister, Salahuddin Rabani said, “If we want a justice power-sharing in the country, based on the constitution a Loya Jirga should be held and the current system changes to parliamentary system.”

Former vice president, Muhammad Younis Qanoni expressed concern over mysterious hands that are trying for division of Afghanistan and said, “it is the responsibility of political parties to save the country from crisis.”

While the Jamiat-e Islami party voicing concern over delay of parliamentary election, the Executive Officer once again reaffirmed the government’s commitment for holding the elections.

Executive Officer, Abdullah Abdullah said, “the National Unity Government is committed that the election will be held without any delay. The reforms process is continuing.”

The governor of Balkh, Atta Muhammad Noor also emphasized on unity of Afghan people. “we should get together and solve the problems with a common thinking and management.”

This comes as the Jamiat-e Islami stresses on a parliamentary system but the Hezb- Islami emphasizes on continuation of the presidential system.

By: Muhammad ZackArya


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