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Karzai to publically executes Pahgman convicts



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President Karzai has ordered the public execution of those criminals committed crimes at the vicinity of  the capital Kabul city Paghman area.

He said,”though I m against hanging this time I decide to see this group of criminals hanging.”

Meanwhile the Supreme Court spokesman Baseer Azizi said, “Their trials have been documented and they have confessed to their crimes and is ready for the final decision to be taken.”

A group of gunmen had sexually raped some of the Women who had been going homes after they had joined a wedding party in Paghaman area of Kabul city, this action has broadly provoked the Afghans concerns.

Four women were raped at the vicinity of the Kabul the capital city of Afghanistan which is unprecedented in the history, this comes after the Government of Afghanistan came under the pressures from the Nation side to hang the following criminal so their death should be a lesson for those who attempting in the future.


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