
Khalilzad meets Tajik president to discuss Afghan peace process



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US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad met with the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on Monday in Dushanbe to discuss the Afghan peace process and the security situation in the region.

According to Tajikistan media reports, Rahmon said in the meeting that Tajikistan “supports the position of the Afghan government to ensure peace and stability” in their neigboring country, and also that he welcomed the inter-Afghan negotiation process.

Khalilzad and Rahmon also discussed strengthening of ties between the US and Tajikistan.

State media reports said: “It was noted that Tajikistan is taking all measures and will continue to make efforts to help resolve the problems of Afghanistan and its socio-economic recovery.”

The two officials also discussed the need to expand cooperation in the field of “joint struggle against modern threats and challenges, including terrorism, extremism, and illegal drug trafficking.


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