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Khalilzad Warns Noor Not to Continue Tensions with Gov’t



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

The former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad has warned the ousted governor of Balkh, Atta Muhammad Noor not to continue tensions with the government as the repercussions will increase.

Khalilzad in an exclusive interview with Ariananews said that he will separately meet with President Ashraf Ghani and Atta Muhammad Noor.

 “Patience has a limit. Unfortunately, the politicians have not correctly counted. Sometimes two plus two equaled to eight for them,” Khalilzad said.

The ex-U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan is said to believe that the international allies and partners do not have enough patience to tolerate the continuation of tensions between President Ghani and Noor.

“I don’t think that Mr. Noor makes a mistake. He is a clever person. It would be a great mistake for him to stand against international forces. I think, there will not be any need for international allies to force Mr. Noor to accept the decision of President Ghani,” Khalilzad noted.

He stressed that the problem between the two sides must end in the framework of the constitution as soon as possible.

Khalilzad went on to say that the world will not remain neutral in reaction to support of some government officials from Noor and the Kandahar police commander, Gen. Raziq.

“They should not think wrong. This issue won’t last for long. Now some individuals use this problem for their private interests. The system of feudalism is not acceptable either in Kandahar or Balkh,” he added.

Previously, the Kandahar Police Chief Gen. Abdul Raziq in response to his removal from the position has said that he has not been appointed by the current government and that the state cannot remove him.

Noor has also often described as having built an empire in Balkh province as he refused to leave his position as the governor of Balkh after President fired him.


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