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‘MOAB’ Bombing Signals Terrorist Sponsoring States



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

A number of parliamentarians while welcoming ‘Mother of All Bombs’ bombing on ISIS caves in Nangarhar province say the act was a warning to countries that still support terrorism.

The parliament members insist on more counter ISIS operations and aerial bombings.

“It was a clear message to countries like Iran and Russia to avoid supporting insurgents. Based on latest reports, a handful of 220 terrorists killed in the attack,” Satar Darzabi, a parliamentarian from Faryab told in the house.

“Every single enemy should be bombed. We argue more aerial operations,” Fathullah Qaisare, another member of parliament said on Saturday.

However, parliament members have mix reaction to the ‘MOAB’ bombing of ISIS caves in Achin district.

Some of the parliamentarians ask why the tunnels have not been targeted from the very beginning of their construction.

“It was not aim to target ISIS caves. They just tested their missiles,” Raouf Enami, a member of parliament said.

The parliament finally decided today to send a delegation to the bombing scene to find out what actually happened.

Reported by: Ahmad Farshad Saleh


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