
MoEW obliged to provide electricity to all military institutions by September



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The Ministry of Energy and Water, (MoEW) has obliged to provide the electricity of all military institutions by the September of the current year.

Deputy minister of MoEW declared that the United States has announced of cutting fuel to military sites, so the ministry is obliged to provide the electricity of all military institutions by the September.

Officials in MoEW say that efforts are continuing for Afghanistan’s self-sufficiency in electricity and gas and all provinces of the country will benefit electricity in the near future.

They also urged residents to avoid consuming too much electricity due to the increase of the price of imported electricity.

In the meantime, Afghanistan will be changed to a four-way transit for the neighboring countries and will witness an equitable development.

The Ministry of Public Works said $ 120 million budget were allocated for the implementation of the projects which the essential transit-roads are at the top of the ministry’s agenda.

The water bodies in Afghanistan contain 75 billion cubic meters, of which only 30 percent remains in the country and the rest flows to neighboring countries.

Most of the water freely flows to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Iran. Notwithstanding adequate water resources, Afghanistan has to import electricity from its neighboring countries.


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