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More than 63 % of Afghan population under 25 years of age



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

A United Nation report about the situation of Afghan youth indicates that around 63 percent of the Afghan population is under 25 years of age.

Afghan youth contribute to the 1.2 billion young people around the world, the majority of whom face limited access to healthcare, education, training and economic opportunities.

The UN report says that currently 63 percent of the Afghan people is below the age of 25 and the balance of Afghan youths will grow substantially in the next years.

“The Government has shown its commitment to investing in youth through the development of the country’s first National Youth Policy,” said Dr Annette Sachs Robertson, UNFPA Representative for Afghanistan.

“This initiative should be followed by the development of a comprehensive programme focusing on youth, in order to expand the opportunities of young people enhancing Afghanistan’s development efforts,” added Dr Robertson.

According to the UN report Critical youth investments needed are those that protect rights, improve health, including reproductive health, and provide skills and knowledge to build young people’s capabilities and agency.
With the right policies and investments, Afghanistan can empower its youth to drive the country’s future economic and social development.









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