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MPs Criticize Government Over Security Deterioration Across Country



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

A number of the lawmakers in the lower house of parliament say that the country’s budget is being wasted widely for the electoral campaigns and the government is reckless in terms of providing security to the people.

Hamidullah Tokhi, an MP from Zabul province, says that an illegal electoral campaign has begun using the nation’s budget by the government and it spends the budget for personal benefits instead of spending it for providing security.

Moreover, the lawmakers describe the absence of professional military commanders in the battlefields as a reason for the increase in the number of causalities.

Allah Gul Mujahid, an MP from Kabul province, says that the people who have been appointed in the key security institutions lack military experience and, therefore, the police and army causalities have increased.

Meanwhile, Mir Rahman Rahmani, the Speaker of parliament, says that the security senior officials will be invited for interpellation to the parliament.

“The security commission has been directed to invite the security senior officials on Sunday,” said Mr. Rahmani.

Moreover, the lawmakers warn that huge catastrophes will happen in the country if no action is taken for changing the current situation.


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