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NATO Foreign Ministers agree to fund Afghan security forces up to 2017



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

NATO foreign Ministers in Brussels have agreed to continue to their supports for Afghan security forces up to 2017,and to pay 4,5 $ billion for the Afghan security forces expenses on annual basis.

NATO secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that Afghanistan is still facing terrorism threats and we will not allow this country to turn into safe haven for terrorists, and he also insisted that the following resolute support mission providing training, consultancy and supporting Afghan security forces in Afghanistan will continue up to 2017 and NATO to keep 12,000 troops up to 2017 in Afghanistan.

“We agreed to sustain the presence of our Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan during 2016 this will be approximately 12,000 troops, and we will continue to provide support for Afghanistan specially financial supports to Afghan security forces up to 2017, and International community needs to be assured that Afghanistan will not turn into a terrorists safe heaven.” Stoltenberg said.

He also urged that we are here because Afghanistan doesn’t turn to be a safe haven for terrorists, we will continue to our supports for Afghan security forces to stand by its own and defend their country, if the country turns out to be a safe place for terrorists it will be threats for the region and even for the world.

Further  he mentioned that US will provide around 7,000 troops of the resolute Support Mission,And then non-US countries, non-US NATO allies and partners provide approximately 5,000,”.

NATO secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also declared that Afghanistan still needs International community cooperation, the object of our mission in Afghanistan is to eliminate terrorism.

Reported by Fawad Nasiri


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