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NDS Arrests Four Kidnappers in Kabul, Frees Victims



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Afghan Intelligence operatives have arrested four kidnappers and freed two people abducted by them in capital Kabul, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said in a statement on Friday.

The victims who were identified as Khair Mahammad and Mohammad Hussain being held by the kidnappers in a well in Kabul City, the statement said.

They were rescued, following a raid by the NDS special forces in Police District 13 of the city, the statement noted.

According to the statement, arrested kidnappers were identified as Ishaq, Mohammad Ajan, Abdul Aleem and Mawla Dad.

One Kalashnikov gun, 17 bullets, one vehicle number plate, two meters of chain and five locks were also seized from the kidnappers, the statement added.


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