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Nearly 3 Million Children on Street, while 25th Anniversary Held



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

The Children rights convention in Afghanistan has held the 25th anniversary of the children rights, while nearly 3 million children still on the street rooming around doing hard work said officials on Sunday.

Though there has been a significant change on children status the number of the children on the streets from 6 million has been decreased even in to 50% still concerns in rise for those children doing hard work on the streets.

Officials in Ministry of works and social affairs have declared the hundreds of the programs which had been held to protect the life of children have been useless none of the program held and assist children.

A number of the speakers at the session have declared having no fruitful programs and policies for the children no significant changes has been made in the life of Children.

The Afghanistan legal advisor for the President Abdul Ali Mohammadi has blamed the pervious former leaders of Afghanistan for their poor management and programs to change the life of children in Afghanistan.

Afghan children still pay the damages and are the victims of the existed challenges within the society.

They are forced to do hard work, being used as the sexual harassment, used as suicide attackers, the following  challenges stop the children to join schools and experience positive changes within their life.


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