
Nimruz celebrates Kamal Khan Dam progress as reservoir fills up



(Last Updated On: February 3, 2021)

Nimruz residents and Kamal Khan Dam officials celebrated on Wednesday as the reservoir behind the dam started filling up with water.

Officials said the construction of the dam, which will be used for hydro-electric and irrigation purposes, is located in the Chahar Burjak district of Nimruz, is underway.

Local officials stated that the dam will be officially inaugurated soon.

Once construction is complete, the dam will irrigate an estimated 80 hectares of land.

The dam has a capacity of 52 cubic meters of water and will produce nine Megawatts of electricity.

According to Fatima Murchal, Presidential Deputy Spokesperson, the dam’s reservoir filling up with water finally, after seven years.

She said the Kamal Khan Dam is a key project to control Afghanistan’s water along the Helmand river.


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