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No Specific Address To Contact Taliban As Calls For Peace Rises



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Afghanistan’s High Peace Council (HPC) has no specific address to contact the Taliban as the Afghan government is ready to even open a political office for the group in Kabul, a member of the Council said on Friday.

With a new leadership, the Council is expected to announce a new strategy in the coming weeks but still unclear whether the Afghan government would contact Taliban political office in Doha, the capital of Qatar, or Islamabad.

“There is no question of negotiating in Doha or Islamabad. We want to encourage the armed opposition groups to peace talks and as the President has told the armed oppositions can open an office even in Kabul,” said Mawlawi Khabir HPC Deputy Chief.

As calls for peace rises, Pakistani officials have once again started to lobby in favor of the Taliban group, emphasizing on consideration of political incentives for the group.

“Pakistan believes that there is no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan,” said Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria during a press briefing on Thursday,” we believe the focus should be on exploring political incentives that can attract Taliban to negotiations.”

Experts believe that the only solution to end the ongoing violence in Afghanistan is to end negative confrontation between Islamabad – New Delhi as well as other regional countries.

“Pakistan and India is having rivalry in Afghanistan. A new formula is need to resolve this issue,” said Tajikistani researcher Qasim Shah Sikandarov.

These remarks come as President Ghani has said less time is left for the Taliban group to accept the reconciliation offer or face serious consequences. In addition, Ghani is seeking peace agreement with Pakistan first and then with the Taliban group.

Reported by: Bais Hayat


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