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Non-Standard Domestic Products Cause Marketing Problems



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Officials in the Afghanistan National Standard Authority (ANSA) said on Monday that the domestic products have not been standardized yet and it creates problems in terms of marketing for the merchants. 

They added that ANSA has created standards for every field but there are problems in terms of implementing them.

“The packaging and labeling in the country are quite different from the international standards and ANSA can help in this regard,” said Ehsanullah Hayat, an official of ANSA.

However, the private sector rejected the criticisms by ANSA.

They said that the ANSA staffs are only thinking of their privileges and therefore could not implement the standards in cooperation with the private sector.

“Instead of solving their problem they say that the domestic products of Afghanistan do not meet the international standards,” said Abdujabar Safi, a member of the High Council of Industry and Investment.

Based on the beliefs of the private sector members, the existing corruption in ANSA caused the domestic products to remain non-standard and the import of non-standard goods to the country.


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