
Noor Says Will Soon Decide to Resign on Conditions



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The Balkh governor Atta Mohammad Noor during his speech on Nowruz festival held in Balkh province said in order to approach the biggest goals specially to attend in the upcoming Presidential Election and achieve the people’s rights, I will soon decide to resign.

He said, “As I have big plans ahead specially attending in the upcoming Presidential Election, and to gain the rights of my people and introducing new talented to lead Balkh province, I will soon decide about my resignation in coming days.”

Governor Noor has been on negotiation with President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani since months over chief executive rift even he apologized from his supporters over casting their votes for Abdullah Abdullah during his presidential race.

He said, “One of our conditions is to see the implementation of the negotiations with President in details, we also want to see the implementation of the agreement with Jamiat-e- Islami which its draft has been prepared.”

Amid Chief executive Abdullah Abdullah has yet to react over the previous and current remarks of the Balkh governor.


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