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NUG Calls Immediate End Afghan Migrants Deportation in Pakistan: MoFA



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National Unity Government ( NUG ) Officials called for an immediate end of Afghan migrant’s deportation and expelling by Pakistan Government.

Afghanistan Foreign Minister spokesman Ahmad Shekib Mustaghni said,” in the last visit of Afghanistan political deputy of MoFA with Pakistan Prime Minister he has demanded his Pakistani counterpart to stop bothering Afghan migrants and expelling them from Pakistan by force, until an Afghan delegation to be deployed to Pakistan, efforts are underway to find a concrete solution for Afghan migrants living in Pakistan.”

Meanwhile Officials in Ministry of Foreign Affairs have replaced 24 Afghan diplomats which included 11 Afghan Ambassadors due to pride ages and end of tuner were dismissed from their positions.

According to his statements the following Ambassadors were retired one year ago but due to the Former President decree their activities has been extended for one more year.

MoFA spokesman also claimed that the following decision has also made to see some reformation within the system.

As the Afghan president Ghani trip to Iran had been cancelled due to Natural disaster hit 18 provinces of the country specially Panjshir province where more than 200 residents lost their life.

Officials in Ministry of have also said,” that soon we will announce the new date of Afghan president trip to Iran country.”

Reported by Hamid Sediqee


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