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Pakistan Changes War Techniques in Konar: Wolesi Jirga



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

A number of the lower house of the parliament have said,” Pakistan has changed the techniques of war towards eastern Part of Afghanistan Konar Province,earlier they have been shooting missiles but now they began to fight on the ground.”

They have expressed their deep concerns from the ongoing security situation in Konar and demanding the National Unity Government to end their conflicts and defend the Afghanistan territory.

Mps believed that Pakistan terrorists in Taliban uniform have began armed raiding on Afghan security posts located in Konar Province.

Konar representatives in lower house of the parliament have confirmed the attack on Dangam and Shinkay districts and also they have urged that National and international insurgents have attacked on the following areas.

Mp Shazadah Shahid said,” there are International and National insurgents are involved in the war of Konar Province

According to Konar police chief Habib Sayed Khaili there has been about 2000 paskitani insurgents have stormed in to the areas and fighting continues since yesterday in between the insurgents and Afghan Security forces.

He added that Pakistan ISI is behind the attacks in Konar province.

Konar is one of the eastern provinces of the Afghanistan bordering Pakistan and it has been the eye witnesses of huge armed attacks in the past several years.


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