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Pakistan Not Committed In Combat Against Terrorism: NSC



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The National Security Council of Afghanistan (NSC) has said that Afghanistan’s controversial neighbor Pakistan has not been committed in the combat against terrorism.

According to press release of President Office, the NSC in its Sunday’s session said Pakistan not only supporting the Taliban but its military instructors were also among the insurgent ranks in Afghanistan.

It was said in the meeting that Pakistan has never been committed in the fight against terrorism.

The Afghan foreign ministry spokesman also said Monday that Pakistan has used every means to destabilize Afghanistan.

Spokesman Shekeb Ahmad Mustaghni told reporters that every insurgent activity in Afghanistan were masterminded and led from across the border.

“Pakistan unlike the agreements with Afghanistan has accelerated its artillery attacks into eastern Kunar border areas. It is a clear aggression of Pakistan against the territorial integrity of Afghanistan.”

Mustaghni warned, “The government and people of Afghanistan would respond such attacks in future.”


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