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Pakistan Reopens Spinbodlak Gate on ‘Humanitarian Ground’



(Last Updated On: October 24, 2022)

Pakistani authorities reopened the Spinboldak crossing in southern Kandahar province at Afghanistan’s request after shutting it down earlier this month when the two sides traded fire there.

Pakistan’s military in a statement said the border was reopened Saturday on “humanitarian grounds.”

The statement said Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed to maintain a ceasefire in the border town of Chaman, where nine Pakistanis and six Afghan were killed on May 5. Pakistan says the violence began when Afghan forces opened fire on census workers and troops escorting them.

The border crossing has been closed since last month when border guards of the two countries clashed over a census exercise in Luqman village as both the sides claimed the village was on their side of the border.

The clash left at least nine civilians dead on both sides and several others wounded besides forcing hundreds of families to flee for safety.


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