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Pakistan sends relief assistance for flood-hit Afghanistan



(Last Updated On: May 7, 2022)

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has sent in the first consignment of emergency relief to Afghanistan following this week’s deadly floods.

Sharif tweeted Saturday morning that the “first consignment of relief goods for the flood affectees has reached Afghanistan to be followed by more relief measures.

“Pakistan will continue to stand by Afghan brothers & sisters through thick & thin. International community shouldn’t forget Afghan people in this hour of need,” he said.

According to Pakistan’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the first consignment of relief goods was transported on a “special aircraft of Pakistan Air Force for the flood affected Afghan people.”

In line with Sharif’s orders, a second batch of relief goods will depart for Afghanistan on Monday.

According to a statement issued by Sharif’s office, Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority “has dispatched first consignment of relief goods consisting of family tents, flour, rice and sugar to flood-hit Afghanistan through PAF C-130 aircraft for Mazar-e-Sharif today, while second consignment will also be sent soon.”

On Thursday heavy rain and flooding killed 22 people, destroyed hundreds of homes and damaged crops across a large part of Afghanistan.

The head of Afghanistan’s National Disaster Management Authority Hassibullah Shekhani said that “due to flooding and storms in 12 provinces, 22 people have died and 40 injured.”

He also said at least 500 houses were destroyed, 2,000 houses were damaged, 300 head of livestock killed and some 3,000 acres of crops damaged.


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