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Pakistani ISI tries to disrupt extraction of Mes Aynak Mine



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) is trying to disrupt the extraction process of Mes Aynak copper mine in Afghanistan, local officials said.
Security officials in Mes Ayanak copper mine in Logar province noted that Pakistan’s ISI has failed to prevent the extracting process of Mes Aynak mine so far.
Mes Aynak is a site 40 km southeast of Kabul, located in a barren region of Logar Province. The site contains the world’s second largest copper deposit which looms as major revenue source for Afghanistan.
The Aynak is also a vast complex of over twenty ruin locations, including numerous 5t h-6t h century Buddhist monasteries, as fortress and evidence of even older Bronze Age settlements buried beneath the rubble of ancient copper mines.

Logar governor, Neiaz Mohammad Amiri said, “There are favorable terms for extracting the Mes Aynak copper mine, but the working process has stopped for unknown reason.”

However, officials in ministry of mines rejected the statements of Logar governor and said that the primary terms of Mes Ayank are underway and after the completion of initial stages the extraction process will begin.
In 2008 MJAM-MCC a Chinese company was awarded a contract to recover the copper resources for the government of Afghanistan. It is a major project for Afghanistan in terms of employment, training, revenue and infrastructure development.
Mes Aynak, meaning “little copper well”, was the center of a Buddhist Kingdom before Islam came to Afghanistan. It is thought that monks settled in Logar province for its ample supply of copper, which brought them great wealth and allowed them to build a grand monastery.


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