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Parliamentary election to be held after completion of reforms in electoral system



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The Electoral Reforms Commission will present three short-term recommendations for electoral reforms to the government up to the next month.

Based on a presidential decree, the Electoral Reform Commission is required to present a package of reform measures to the unity government’s leaders.

Deputy of the electoral reforms commission said that the selection of members of the commission is also including among the proposals.

Members of the electoral reforms commission noted that they are trying to finish parts of the works before the end of Parliament’s summer holidays.

“We will present three short-term recommendations to the government and Afghan people in the next month,” Sidiqullah Tawhidi, deputy of electoral reforms commission said.

The executive office also said that the Parliamentary election will be held after completion of reforms in electoral reforms.

“We will not announce the time of holding parliamentary election until the electoral system not reformed,” Jawid Faisal, deputy spokesman of the executive office said.

The electoral reforms commission will also send its members to seven zones of the country next week for campaigns with people.

The long-awaited ERC was inaugurated last week following months of delay apparently due to disagreement between unity government leaders.

Based on unity government deal between Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, no next election will be held until reform measures were injected in the election system.







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