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Pentagon warns withdrawal of troops if security accord not signed



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

Pentagon has warned that if the electoral disputed not solved soon, and the Afghanistan new president does not sign the security agreement with America, all American troops will withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Gen. Martin Dempsey, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman said that the drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan will begin in earnest in the coming weeks, as preparations are made to reduce the American footprint to 9,800 troops by the end of the year, if the document not signed.
Dempsey said, the key for military leaders is to work along with their Afghan partners to ensure Afghanistan’s national security forces continue their progress toward full security responsibility and to work together in addressing the challenges that lie ahead in that effort.
In the mean time, Abdullah’s electoral team is assured that signing the security agreement between US and Afghanistan is the priority of the government of national unity.
The security accord is a legal framework that based on those American troops will remain in Afghanistan after the end of the current year. But, otherwise US has warned that without a legal framework they will have no troops in Afghanistan.


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