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President Ghani dismisses 4 deputy ministers of MoLSAMD



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

President Ashraf Ghani has dismissed four deputy ministers of the Ministry of Labour,Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) over corruption charges.

A source on condition of anonymity told to Ariananews that Wasel Noor Mahmand, deputy of social affairs, Hesamuddin Hamrah, deputy of work affaris, Suraya Paikan, deputy of Martyrs and disabled and Samimullah Sultani, finance and administrative deputy of the ministry were dismissed two months ago but again started to work by the order of the chief of executive officer, Abdullah Abdullah.

MoLSAMD also confirmed the dismissal of four deputy ministers of the ministry, saying new deputy ministers will be introduced soon.

“In President’s meeting with leadership board of the ministry, he instructed the minister to soon introduce the new deputy ministers,” Ali Eftekhari, spokesman of MoLSAMD said.

Political analysts are also said to believe that still the slogan of National Unity Government remains in President Ghani’s and CEO’s characters. Their attempts for sharing government’s post to their fans will take the country into the pit of destruction.

It has been said that NUG leaders started work with many promises to their supporters but in addition to the deterioration of the security situation the fields of employment become more limited with each day passing.



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