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Punjabi Taliban’s Threat A Plot of Pakistan’s ISI: MoD



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The recent threat of Tehrik-i-Taliban Punjab to “renounce fighting in Pakistan and continue operations in Afghanistan” is basically a plan of Pakistan’s ISI spy agency to disrupt the security stability of Afghanistan, says the defense ministry of Afghanistan.

Deputy Chief of Afghanistan Army Staff, General Muhammad Akram, said Tuesday in a gathering of Army officers that ISI was planning to accelerate fighting in Afghanistan.

“They are administrated and supported by the ISI and this may cause to accelerate war in Afghanistan,” General Akram said.

He warned, “We are ready for any kind of response to this possible insurgency.”

Calling Pakistan a historic enemy country of Afghanistan, the deputy Army Chief expressed all the Pakistani raids against Taliban in Pakistan’s soil was a plot to drive insurgents to Afghanistan.


He stated causalities of Army soldiers had increased two-fold during the last three months following anti-insurgents operations now completely under responsibility of Afghan forces.



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