
Serious Supervision to be in place, after Mines Contracts Pass: Saba



(Last Updated On: October 25, 2022)

 Minister of Mines, petroleum Mohammad Daud Saba said,” serious supervisions will be launched over mines contracts.

 Mr.Saba while explaining his first 100 days of activities has insisted that significant supervision will be carried out on MisAynak and Hajigak mines.

He also added that law for mines has some issues, efforst are underway to modify it.

 Minister of Mines and petroleum Mohammad Daud Saba said,” most of the contracts are newly under the direct supervision of my Ministry, even the bidding process will be reviewed once again,all the contracts on mines will be seriously monitored.”

Further he mentioned that a Canadian company is doing the survey for Hajigak mine,this is taken place where an Indian company had been the winner of the pervious bidding, after this the following company will not be involved in bidding process.

If the survey which is began by the Canadian company responds positive, negotiations process to begin on taking practical steps on its implementation process, no Bank assurance has been made by the Indian company yet, based on Afghanistan law the following company can’t attend the bidding process said Minister of Mines and petroleum Mohammad Daud Shah Saba.

 Minister of Mines and petroleum Saba said,” efforts are underway to do some modification on Afghanistan’s mine law, consultancy process has began to cover all the current issues, unfortunately there is no healthy safety regulation in Afghanistan laws system.”

Once again Taliban,Daesh and some other militants groups trying to get fed by illegal excavation of mines in Afghanistan.

 eported by Hameed Sediqee.




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