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Taliban accuses Afghan government intelligence of torturing the group’s prisoners



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The Taliban accused the Afghan intelligence of torturing prisoners of the group for admitting to receiving money from Russia to kill American soldiers.

The claim of Russia rewarding Taliban fighters for killing US troops in Afghanistan is now slowly being linked to the Taliban and the Afghan government.

Recently, Khairullah Khairkhah, a member of the Taliban political group in Qatar, said that no one could prove that the Taliban had taken money from Russia to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan.

“They have tortured prisoners to confess about the matter so that they can report to the world, while everything is completely baseless and no one can prove that the Taliban is receiving military assistance from Russia,” said Khairullah Khairkhah, a member of the Taliban political group in Qatar.

But Afghanistan’s national security says that it treats prisoners according to human rights law.

On the other hand, the Russian Foreign Minister once again called Russia’s involvement in this issue baseless and said that a number of US officials are initiating this claim to harm the Trump administration on the verge of the presidential election.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said: “I can only say that all these allegations are based on speculation and no clear facts have been presented.”

The Taliban have previously denied receiving money from Russia to kill US troops in Afghanistan, but this is the first time the Taliban have acknowledged their prisoners’ confession through torture by Afghan intelligence.

Although the Afghan government has said it will not release some 600 Taliban prisoners on serious charges, sources close to the Taliban say that the group still insists on releasing prisoners on the basis of a pre-arranged list and does not agree with the new list of prisoners.

“They still want the prisoners to be released according to the previous list. No new list has been arranged and has not been handed over to the government,” said Sayed Akbar Agha, a former Taliban member.

Afghanistan’s allied countries also appear to be opposed to the release of hundreds of Taliban prisoners accused of involvement in major events, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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