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Taliban’s Legitimate, National Demands Must Be Considered: Khalili



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The Chief of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council Karim Khalili on Monday said that Taliban’s legitimate demands must be considered during the peace process.

He emphasized that peace doesn’t mean surrendering by the Taliban nor does it mean giving privileges to them.

“Our view is that making peace doesn’t mean surrendering by the Taliban, the Taliban surrendering is not our approach. We should study their viewpoint and their demands. We must follow the peace process by respecting their views and by accepting some of their legitimate and national demands,” Khalili said while addressing the first assembly of the council.

He expressed concerns about the ongoing war and violence in the country and insisted on elimination of war.

“I will not spare any effort for peace. I will set for peace talks in any place, if it would be effective and I’m not afraid of blames accusations and threats,” he said.

At the same time, High Peace Council Secretary Mohammad Akram Khpalwak asked all political parties, religious scholars, youth and civil society activities to support peace efforts in the country.

Afghan government has always called on the Taliban to join peace talks, but the group has rejected the offer insisting on withdrawal of all foreign forces as a precondition.

By Elaha Omari


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