
Teachers, Students Concern of Voter Registration Centers in Schools



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The presence of voter registration centers in schools draws security concern among teachers and students.

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has opened the voter registration centers, mainly in schools as part of the efforts to ensure that long-delayed parliamentary and district council elections in October are seen as credible and free of fraud.

However, teachers and students say, the move disrupts and challenges the education process in schools as they are concerned about security threats facing the voter registration centers.

“These centers should be moved [elsewhere], otherwise, it will effect the morale of students and their presence in schools,” said Mohammad Hamid Ayoubi, a school teacher.

“It will be a good move, if the centers being shifted to elsewhere,” another school teacher, Asadullah Khalid said.  

Meanwhile, Abdul Raqib who is a student in one of the schools in Kabul said that the security threats are in raise and that they might get harmed if a voter registration center being targeted.

Expressing concerns over the issue, the Education ministry urged the security institutions to ensure the security of schools.

“We urged the government particularly, the security institutions to assure us of maintaining the security of schools,” said Sardar Mohammad Rahimi, the Deputy Minister of Education.

Hashmatullah Stanekzai, spokesman for the Kabul police headquarters, however, said that they are committed to ensuring the security of schools.

“We have taken serious steps and there is no area of concern,” he said.

The concerns come about two weeks after a voter registration center was targeted by a suicide bombing in Kabul that left more than 60 people killed and dozens injured.


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